Xna 3.0 Game Tutorial

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I certainly wasn't trying to offend or criticize you when I made my post. You implied that the XNA 2.0 tutorials you've found are useless because of deprecated code. I'm looking at the XNA documentation right now, and I only see a handful of things that were removed or changed since 2.0, mostly obscure structures in the Graphics namespace. Very few (if any) XNA 2.0 tutorials reference these structures, so most of them should work just fine. Even so, you should be able to take virtually any XNA 2.0 project, open it in Visual C# 2008, and as long as you have XNA GS 3.0 installed, it should upgrade the project just fine. I did not say this because I thought you were an idiot; I said this because it works, and it's known to work.

Xna Game Studio 5.0

What problems have you run into? Why doesn't it work on your PC? Maybe we can help you figure out what's going wrong. And please be aware that I did not directly answer your question because I felt you were asking it for the wrong reason. You claim that XNA 2.0 tutorials don't work with XNA 3.0.

More Xna 3.0 Game Tutorial videos. XNA 3.0 Game Programming Recipes: A Problem-Solution. Will find XNA 3.0 Game Programming Recipes an. Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach.

I know that isn't true, but that doesn't make you an idiot; it makes you wrong. And it's okay to be wrong. It wouldn't help you for me to find XNA 3.0 tutorials if the reason you're looking for these tutorials is based on incorrect presumptions. I said what I did because I wanted to help correct those presumptions. And anyway, if you wanted a URL, a would have provided the results you need. I would 'assume that you would have tried this b4 comming here', but considering the search results I see on the first page, I have to assume otherwise. Look its very simple if you dont know dont reply, ive tried google, the 2.0 tutorials arent working IVE BEEN USING THEM THEY SUCK I am having huge trouble getting the code to compile properly one of my major problems is that im getting an error message stating that the file ive given reference to does not exist, ive opend the folder ive referenced and the texture is there ive exhausted everything i know and nothing works the only thing left to try is a tutorial based on the software im using.

NOW PLEASE DONT REPLY UNLESS YOU ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO HELP WITH A URL TO A 3.0 TUTORIAL IM TOO BUSY TO BE REPLYING TO CRAP THANK YOU GOODBYE. IM TOO BUSY TO BE REPLYING TO CRAP THANK YOU GOODBYEAnd I'm too busy to have to deal with someone who can't understand when people are trying to help them. If I were you I'd consider adjusting your attitude before you find your thread locked. Rainault is offering excellent advice and if you don't want to listen it's your loss. Nobody is going to help someone that is constantly attacking others and refusing to take the advice being given. The breaking changes from 2.0 to 3.0 are minimal and the project updater should work, as Rainault said.

So if you follow along with a tutorial and write th code yourself, it should work. If you downloaded a project and opened it in Visual C# 2008, it should upgrade it and work. If you are having issues, people may be willing to help you out if you'd consider changing your tone a bit.

Xna tutorials for beginners

Overview Casual game developers have been using XNA since 2004 for ease of create games for Windows, XBOX and most recently Windows Phone. XNA is a.NET framework for game development providing a content pipeline and load functionality for game asset, animation, math, sound and user input tracking via gamepad, mouse, keyboard and touch with game logic organized in a straightforward game loop architecture. Game development is not trivial undertaking and XNA was a great framework to start down the path for a great number of novice game developers and/or students and developers who wanted to learn how to create quality game applications. XNA along with Visual Studio made it as easy as File – New – XNA Game Studio Project and you were off and running. Is an open source cross platform implementation of the XNA namespace and class model.

The goal of MonoGame is to provide XNA developers with a framework to build applications that will run on Xbox 360, Windows, Windows 8, and Windows Phone while providing the ability to port the game using the same C #codebase to run natively on the iOS, Android, Mac OS X, and Linux platform with minimal effort. With these goals in mind, the MonoGame motto therefore is to 'Write Once, Play Everywhere'.

The technologies that make the MonoGame API cross-platform power possible are:. OpenTK - a low-level C# library that wraps OpenGL, OpenCL and OpenAL for 3D graphics. SharpDX - an open-source implementation of the full DirectX API for.NET which allows for development of high performance games, 2D and 3D graphics rendering, and real-time sound. Lidgren.Network - a networking library for.NET framework which uses an UDP socket to provide an API for connecting a client to a server, as well as, reading and sending messages The game you will be making in this walkthrough is using the MSDN Shooter tutorial. Shooter is a particular type of game with a set of well-defined limits around what it does when the user interacts with it.

This tutorial is a good starting point for learning game development with XNA and publishing a game running on Windows 8 platform using XNA leveraging MonoGame. In addition to leveraging this technology for Windows 8, you can use the MonoGame technology for native cross-platform development with other mobile platforms. Setting Up Your Development Environment Before you can write games for Windows 8 using MonoGame, you mush setup your enviroment and your IDE to do so. I have outlined the steps below for getting your environment created. Please follow and perform the following steps in the order stated to successfully prepare your computer for XNA Development with MonoGame:. Install the GitHub Windows Client: Create a MonoGame project Windows 8 is designed to run on a variety of devices, including tablets and other devices that, through the aid of on-board sensors, know whether they are in landscape mode or portrait mode.

Xna 3d

XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh is a programming environment that allows you to use Visual Studio to create games for Windows Phone, Xbox 360, and Windows. XNA Game Studio includes the XNA Framework, a set of managed libraries designed for game development based on the Microsoft.NET Framework. In order to leverage the power of XNA for Windows 8 since it is not supported natively, we will leverage the MonoGame framework. Step 1 - Create a MonoGame project and set references Open Visual Studio 2012 and select New Project.

Under Templates, select Visual C#, you should see the MonoGame project templates listed. Select the MonoGame Game (XAML). Name the project Win8ShooterGame and ensure that the option to Create directory for solution is checked/selected. Figure 1 - Visual Studio with MonoGame Templates Step 2 - Set a MonoGame references (Optional).Follow these Steps ONLY if you Installed MonoGame Directly from GitHub or have problems with Template pointing to correct MonoGame references. If you installed via the MonoGame Installer, please skip to Step 3.

Now we need to ensure that the Solution has the correct references to the MonoGame Framework and its dependencies. Right click on your solution in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer and select Add, Existing Project. Figure 2 - Add Existing project to Solution Browse to in Explorer to C: Users you Documents GitHub MonoGame. Select the folder named MonoGame.Framework. In this folder, you will find the MonoGame Windows 8 CSPROJ project file in this directory: C: Users you Documents GitHub MonoGame MonoGame.Framework MonoGame.Framework.Windows8.csproj.

Select this project and click Open. Figure 3 Add MonoGame Framework for Windows 8 project to Solution Once the project has been added to the Visual Studio solution, right click on the MonoGame.Framework.Windows8 project, and select Clean. Then right click on the project again, and select Build. You may see a few warnings once you build the project, but that is okay.

Now select the Win8ShooterGame solution, select References, right click and select Add Reference. In the Reference Manager, we need to add the reference to the MonoGame.Framework into the Windows 8 project by selecting Solution and then Projects. Select the checkbox beside the MonoGame.Framework project. Click OK (Figure 4). Then again go back into Reference Manager and add the MonoGame Framework Dependencies by selecting Browse. Browse to location: C: Users user Documents GitHub MonoGame ThirdParty Libs SharpDX Windows 8 Metro and select all of the.dll files within the folder. Figure 4 Add MonoGame Framework and SharpDX reference Finally, select the Win8ShooterGame and right click.

Select Project Dependencies and select the checkbox next to MonoGame.Framework.Windows8. Click Okay and Rebuild the Entire Solution.

Xna 3.0 Game Tutorial

You may get warnings, but if you have followed the steps correctly, there should be no errors. Figure 5 Add MonoGame Framework Project Dependency Step 3 - Test MonoGame Environment Now, let's test to see if your MonoGame environment is set up correctly by running the application either via Local Device or and via the Windows Simulator. If your setup was successful, you will see the Cornflower Blue background commonly created by default with the XNA Framework projects. You are now ready to start building your Windows 8 game. In Part 2 of this series, we will add the first asset to be used in your Windows 8 Game, a player object. The player which will be represented as a spaceship will be the primary source of control for the first player shooter game.

In, we will create and build a player class object to represent the actions and properties associated with the spaceship for the game. @Jeff: I will cover how to leverage the Content Pipeline with MonoGame (the workaround) in Part 3 of this series.


@Coder: You are right Unity is the defacto standard for 3D gaming development, and I'm excited that they have announced Win 8 support and toolkit forthcoming. We will have having a Live Stream training on it in partnership with Unity once the Windows 8 support/SDK is launched.

But you can get some pretty cool 3D games & graphics using XNA/MonoGame as well. Not Halo, but cool nonetheless tpcmurray: You asked and you shall receive 🙂 Part 2 was posted on Monday. I echo the sentiments of On-2012 and others This type of tutorial is just what developers need. Your presentations so far on this shooter game have been clear, concise and just what we need. I can't wait for Post 4 (hint hint).

Several months ago, when I was on Pluralsight, I learned of their MonoGame online course and started it but had to stop not too far in due to some illness and work pressures. By the time I could resume my PC (win7) had crashed and I've resurrected it by installing Win8.

I also chose to only install VS2012 (along with my PhoneDev toolkits). I stumbled across your series of posts almost by accident last night and thought I'd start again with yours. Since Post 4 isn't yet ready (or I can't find it) do you (or anyone else) know if the Pluralsight course applies equally to VS2010 and 2012? I seem to remember it saying something about it but I don't recall what it was. I know it old enough to require the manual installs of all of tools and libraries (the new v3 install is MUCH better).