Deep Ze Unzer

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Captain's Personal Log, I-D key, Bova One. After negotiations with a replicated crew created by a quantum accident, we initially agreed to land on New Trinity to assist in colonization of the planet, until a method of mass-assimilation could be devised. We went under the auspices of openess and mutual defense. However, the replicants have since shown another face, and have instead barricaded us inside a high-tech prison cell, built in a super-human fashion, and it is clearly apparent that our counterparts have now become our captors. (We watch ASIMOV quickly run across the room and try to bash head-first through an invisible force-field across the upstage right diagonal doorway. The crew just watches, letting him do what he wants to do. After all, it’s HIS head, he can do with it whatever he wants, right?

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The door to the cell is diamond-shaped and wide. Reference the Krellian doors in Forbidden Planet, or the doors in the lithium-cracking station in Star Trek: 'Where No Man Has Gone Before' or some other weird, alien-looking portal.

The cell extends to a long hallway, but we don’t see that until later. The floor and walls are plasmic and psychedelic and displays auras around the different people in the room, like a mood ring. The ceiling is domed and transparent, revealing the night sky. There are a couple of geometric slabs about and most of the crew is lounging.

CLARKE is playing with a pile of blasters on the floor. HEINLEIN is armed and on watch.

VERNE is reclined and reading his favorite book. WELLS has his feet propped-up and his hands behind his head with his eyes closed. SIMAK has the guts of the room's only wall-panel stretched-out across the floor, still all connected together, and he inadvertently dims the lights a little while messing with it. Although he is able to almost make it all fit back into place, there's about seventeen extra cam pins, screws and other assorted items that he cannot replace, so he pockets them later in the scene. The panel looks like an oversized payphone keypad, and has wires, holograms, computer chips and other strange things connected to its backside.

An identical keypad is seen in the hall, outside. ASIMOV crosses the room backwards, like a bull ready to charge the china shop.). (He is patient with ASIMOV, and purses his lips:) Last I checked, you are military issue, and I don’t want you damaging government property. So far it looks okay- (He gently and briefly strokes ASIMOV'S shaggy crew-cut against the grain with his right thumb:) nothing a regulation haircut wouldn't fix. Okay, you seem to be in good working order- (Almost lets him go, but pulls ASIMOV'S head toward him an inch, catching himself:) but Ensign- (Slow, deliberate:) in the future, if I find there’s one nick on your scalp forward of your coronal suture (thumb of right hand taps above ASIMOV’S left ear), I’ll slap your zygomatic arch (left index finger touches cheekbone) so far into your mastoid process (left index finger moves and touches low area, behind the left ear) that you will beg me for a lobotomy. (Right index finger taps center of forehead.) Is that understood?

I must point out we do not know if they are utilizing our collars. We have not felt any of the pangs of conditioning since we have been here. So far, they have been humane and hospitable captors. And being mere replicants who are able to do what they have done collectively is a shallow interpretation of the paradox at best. It is less like a simple Lovecraftian dismissal of near-matter phantasms and more likely another example from Silverberg’s Law of Parallels. Another crew from a parallel universe made a mis-calculation in a grey room and somehow brought themselves and their replicants with them while their captain was attempting to save Ms.

Azalea’s life, and the open-scale parameters on the quantum-generator allowed a quantum window-of-opportunity for such a voyage to occur. All scientific analysis of everything I have encountered so far indicates that this world is indeed real and that matter conforms to physical laws. Er, most physical laws, and with deduction, we will know what they’re not. If I let go of a hammer held above the ground while standing on a planet with positive gravity, I do not need to see it fall to be certain that it has indeed, fallen. And likewise, I have deduced that we are in a very real world and that our counterparts are made of true matter.

They’re not replicants as the captain and Mr. Heinlein postulate, rather, they are something else, as Mr. Simak has so aptly indicated. As far as these others having telepathy, it could be a possibility. There is much that is left to be explained, and many other, unmentioned factors not taken into account. (He starts to lose it:) Blast it, Clarke!

I don’t care if we’re near or if you hold it dear, while we’re here, we steer-clear of that queer mirror, is that clear? I’ve made up my mind and that’s final. I’ve dealt with enough surprises today to give me a mondo headache “this big” - more than enough to fill my quota of Twilight Zone episodes for the next stinkin' century. (Pause. He sees he’s stung CLARKE a little, then again, having his replicant theory shot-down like The Red Baron stung a little, too.) Clarke, about YOUR theory - Let’s say I go along with it and play the devil's advocate later - you think these others may be aliens. Aliens pretending to be replications of us. (Now, to the obvious question:) WHY?!?!?

(Can you say cabin fever? Here’s proof that familiarity breeds contempt.

Modern Judaism

They’re both doctors, VERNE should know better. The crew’s psychiatrist doesn’t like being called a shrink any more than VERNE likes to be called a Q-P doll:) Well, Doctor, this “shrink” sees no evidence of the Niven Psychosis. If they're clones or replicants, they would usually display a profound interest in the spontaneous and radical, usually ending in suicide, homicide or mass-assimilation. I haven't seen even one of them bat an eyelash that didn't look rehearsed.

They're not crazy; in fact, they’re too sane. It’s like they’ve had an eon of decompression and are cool as cucumbers inside and out. It’s not natural to be as they - like machines. Humans aren’t made to be that way.

Yes, possibly - they may have taken advantage of the timing of the quantum accident to imprison us while we were distracted; trying to find a rational explanation for the unexplainable appearance of other, replicant ships within what we now understand is an echo of a type three Zyxian Quantum Paradox coupled with a green-room power signature overlay. Our captors wanted us to believe they were there to protect us; giving us a reason to negotiate and yield our secure position aboard The Eliza. It literally put us in their hands for care and safekeeping. (The other men holster their blasters from the pile. CLARKE'S blaster was the one thrown atop the pile. HEINLEIN already has his holstered and snapped. In addition to his blaster, HEINLEIN has a high-powered rifle to boot.

He turns toward the grand, expanding archway and presents a stoic, somber look as he appraises the slowly-approaching men. He twists a knob on the rifle and it collapses into a small compass! He checks his bearings, pockets the compass, lights a cigarette and eyes the other crew, still some fifty feet down the hall. Echoes of their voices are now faintly being heard in the distance by HEINLEIN and the other captives.). (The other crew enters from a hall, off, laughing. They stand on the other side of the invisible cell door. They’re very casual and very stoned.

It seems CLARKE 1 has been able to grow a week's worth of goat-tee in less than a day. Other crew members wear longer hair; at a length that would require more than a month of furlough and are also dressed in a contemporary, yet individually-casual manner - and ill-dressed-for-the-occasion as they are, the other crew seems to be only visiting on a lark; as an afterthought - perhaps a drunken suggestion from one among their inebriated company that the others chose to humor.).

(Hits his snipe, tasting the filter, his face sours. No foreign accent. A la Jack Nicholson or Christian Slater:) How about no camping?

Hey Camper! (He flicks the lit, cigarette butt at ASIMOV 1, and it would have hit his face, but the butt bounces off the force-field and back into the cell. ASIMOV 1 is busy examining the roach in his hand and repeatedly takes puffs to be sure the flavor was really as good as he just thought it was, which only frustrates ASIMOV further.) Camper Van Beethoven, over here! (AZALEA 1 enters without waking anyone and slips-by HEINLEIN 1 and HEINLEIN, not creeping, just confident of her timing. Like getting-past that crucial stage in a video game after learning the route many times the hard way. Both men are keeping watch on each side of the doorway, only trusting each other with a lit joint, yet thoroughly enjoying the company. She effortlessly gets past them when the joint gets dropped between the two and they both bend over to pick it up.

They chuckle, HEINLEIN painfully realizing that the force field stops him from doing so and he bonks his head against an invisible wall and rubs it, absently. Now is a good time to mention that we never see HEINLEIN without a weapon. He'll drop a joint, but he will never drop his weapon.).

(AZALEA 1 moves silently down a dark hall, intermittently-lit near doorways. Did I mention the girl is beautiful? This time, AZALEA 1 has free-flowing, Egyptian-ish makeup and dress, and has tightly-braided and beaded hair that falls past her waist, quite different from her former, shaved-head self. The shock of white hair that lays an oblique ring about her head has a distinctive design when braided. At the ends of her braids, the normal curl extends for another few inches.

The men's voices echo down the hall. She eventually slips in, unnoticed, to the captain's cell.

There is another door to his cell, USC, colored orange, and it appears as a transluscent, blown-glass wall with ornate, sculpture geometrically framing and crossing it in random sections, much like the partitions in Empress Kim's Drawing Room in Mastering Mary Jane. It is lit from the other side and slides open from the center near the end of the scene.

The orange door does not make a sound when it opens or closes.).


2005 CD Album 02. 2006 CD Album 03.


2006 CD Album 04. 2008 CD Album 05.

2008 CD Limited Edition, Compilation Contains 4 songs by: Battle Of Mice, Jesu Take a zuper-charged load of Helmet, NoMeansNo, Oxbow and add the vocal processing powers of a Karyn Crisis: Made Out Of Babies. High energy abrasion in the hard rocking zeriverse. Absolutely brilliant! Bang your head to the intensity of the screams and the loudness of the riffs!

Phenomenal flexing of the meat! When more in a Neurosis mood, switch to Battle Of Mice - same awesome singer, gloomier sonic framework, another champion in the category of black and humid horizons. Battle Of Babies triplazer rectifier! Remove brackets and unzip: out of zer!

Abraham J Peck

Of Mice, Jesu,Battle Of Mice,Made Out Of Babies! 1982/1985 CD Compilation Reissue from 1997 - 1-3: Second Time Around comp, 4-6: Repression-E.P., 7-22: Made In Belgium LP, 23-25: Alle 24 Goed!

Comp, 26-39: live 02. 1989 Vinyl LP Album Punk until you drop! The first two songs I heard were on the Pusmort Bacteria compilation, amazing tracks. Too bad the rest of the Zyklome A output is not as hot - yet still very much enjoyable for a trip down 80s-raw-punk lane. The slow songs are pretty tedious but the fast ones are often mindless two-riffs attacks that discolor your hair, sort of like a Inferno and Mob47 hybrid on the Made In Belgium album. Ear Damage is a more sophisticated continuation with some Rattus influences.

Thrash and slam! Remove brackets and unzip: hangozer! Ear Damage, Zyklome A! 1985 Vinyl LP Album 02.

1985 CD Album Reissue Reissue from 1989 03. 1987 CD Album Reissue from 2006 04. 1987 Vinyl LP Album Picture Disc Limited Edition 05. 1988 Vinyl Picture Disc LP 06. 1990 CD Album 07. 1991 CD Album 08.

1997 CD Album 09. 2004 CD Album 10. 2005 CD Album 11. 2007 CD Album Limited Edition 12. 2008 CD Album 13. 2010 CD Album Limited Edition 14. 2010 CD Album, DVD DVD-Video PAL x 2, All Media Limited Edition 15.

2014 CD Album Zerrest of the zerrest! Bonded By Blood of course sits there on top of the universal EZTT with the ultimate classics of the era, this album is one of the greatest metal releases ever, no discussion. They owe me a couple of vertebrae. But unlike that other band that hired out their guitarist in 83, the career of Exodus is much more consistent, virulent and satisfying on the long run. No shitty ballads or radio hits here, only pure thrash metal madness! Fabulous Disaster and Impact Is Imminent are especially potent machines of deadly riffage and killer thrash bulldozing, these two albums defined the modern sound of the twenty first century thrash metal that we take for granted nowadays.

The new albums since 2004 follow this path of excellence. And the amazing live Another Lesson In Violence is another piece of classic history, featuring Baloff and most of Bonded By Blood, making the density of classics in the Exodus discography even higher. Exceedingly addictive!

Heavy fucking classic thrash metal forever! Remove brackets and unzip: bonded by zer! 1989 Cassette EP Compilation, Compilation Contains 5 songs by: Parkinson Square, Sale Defaite 02. 1989 Vinyl 7' 03.

1989 Vinyl LP Album 04. 1990 Cassette 05. 1990 CD Compilation 06. 1991 CD Album 07.

1995 CD Parkinson Square dominate the EZTT of French HC. The 7' and Square Up! Are awesome incarnations of the early Bad Brains spirit. The next two albums are more sophisticated yet rock amazingly too.

Brilliant musicians, excellent lads, amazing shows, burning nostalgia! Remove brackets and unzip: zerkinson zer!ZER Parkinson Square! 2011 CD Album If you think that just because this Oath Of The Abyss was released on Dark Descent, the label that specializes in extremely oppressive, dirty, barbaric death metal, it is an oppressive, dirty, barbaric death metal album, you would be absolutely right.

This is typical DD material, and we don't want anything else. It is not the time for clinical-clean, super technical demonstration of instrumental wankery, it is time for mindless brutal defenestration into the crypts of endless tar. Heavy beyond gravity and guttural beyond throat cancer, this album is the modern translation of the most primal invocations of the cannibal gods from before the domestication of fire. Welcome to hell! Remove brackets and unzip: necromanzer! Ritual Necromancy ZR!

1987 Vinyl LP Album 02. 2005 CD Compilation x 2 1-6.vivi! EP 1984, 7-17: Finale LP 1987, 18-27: Nel Cuore LP 1989 03. 2005 CD Compilation x 2 Il Mio Inferno Tape 1987 Requested, rezerred, More classic 80s Italian hardcore: Crash Box have this Raw Power's After Your Brain feel to their brand of punkification with guitar solos. The early stuff is rougher, not far from Upset Noise, and the two albums are excellent crossover oriented releases with the aforementioned Brain thing.

Remove brackets and unzip: zer box! 1997 CD Album 02. 2000 CD Album 03. 2002 CD Album 04. 2003 CD Album 05.

2008 CD Album Magnificence of the doom progressions! After a good first album (especially the last song) reminding a bit of The Gathering, Atrox released only complete masterpieces of complex-yet-highly-digestive albums full of addictive twists. Top class musicianship, expert compositions, first grade production and visuals, what else? Extended metal at its very largest! We need more! 8 years without any new release is very unzer!

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