Skyrim Bleach Mod
@cegi985 This mods is a simple flash step, though the cooldown is too long for it to be much use, also doesn't cause damage. The modder linked by the OP also did a mod called streak which basically does what you described, though I can't comfirm how well it works since it conflicts with another mod of mine. Not sure which though, just keeps causing CTD. @Imanuelus The mods are easy enough to download, just try clicking around a bit. Took me a few minutes to find the right button but it isn't difficult.
Download button is some Korean word near the top right I believe.
Bleach Mod Soul
I bring these models riped and textured by me,for that some wonderful person will adapt to the skyrim. Make you like with them, only ask that when. Steam Workshop: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Steam Workshop collection of all Bleach mods. Dec 16, 2012 Skyrim Non Adult Mods. Bleach scripted Zangetsu and Hollow Mask. Also btw I didn't get my name from Bleach before someone asks.