Megaboot - The Ultimate Boot Disk
. MEGABOOT v1.0. Software Included. Acronis Ultimate Boot Disk Hirens Boot Disk 15.1 Ultimate Boot Disk For DOS Trinity Rescue Kit Pc Tools Windows 7 Recovery Disk AVG Rescue CD Bit Defender Rescue CD Seatools OPHCrack for XP OPHCrack for Vista Windows Password Recovery Boot Disk Suite v5.1.3 MiniTool Partition Wizard Redo Backup Puppy Linux Helix 3 Darik Boot And Nuke NT Password and Registery Editor Gparted EASEUS Partition Manager All programs are the latest versions. Installation. Burn the iso with an image burner i have included imgburn.note with some of the programs you will be promted with a cmd line with “boot” at the end, press enter to load the program.
Results of mega boot ultimate boot disk: Free download software, Free Video dowloads, Free Music downloads, Free Movie downloads, Games. Jul 04, 2015 DLC Ultimate Boot 2016 Best Alternative Of Old Hiren’s Boot CD. Hirens boot format hard disk. With Free Tools - 'Ultimate Boot CD. MEGABOOT – The Ultimate Boot Disc Posted in Uncategorized on December 31, 2012 by samdoyle *****. Acronis Ultimate Boot Disk Hirens Boot Disk 15.1.
Introduction This tutorial will guide you through the steps to formating and copying over the UBCD to your with the program RMPrepUSB. This guide does not contain help on modifying any of the extracted content; if you are looking for a specific guide that is not available here, please check the for more help and information. It is highly recommended that after completing this tutorial that you test the by booting your computer from it. The good news is that if it doesn't work the first time you can easily just edit/update files and try again unlike a cd/dvd where it is permanent. Makes adding more programs just as easy. WARNING: If you skip requirements, you do so at your own risk, as you may encounter issues that will be traced back to not being prepared.
Contents. Requirements Before we jump into the guide, you will need the following:. 1. The UBCD ISO, of course. Download it if you haven't already.
The ISO should be extracted by following the extracting instructions from a previous tutorial, located here:. Program (Freeware - for private use only). The RMPrepUSB version used in this tutorial is v2.0.737. There is an alternative.
Nevertheless, you should download the latest version of it. We have already extracted it to the same folder as the extracted UBCD ISO. For directions with RMPrepUSB, see Let's Begin! RMPrepUSB is not 100% needed to create a bootable USB.
For directions without it, see Let's Begin! At least a 512MB. These and larger sizes can be picked up for relatively cheap just about anywhere. If you are going to be adding more programs to it, always make sure you have extra space. After checking that you have met all requirements we can proceed with the tutorial.
There is also a YouTube video here This video demonstrates the procedure using RMPrepUSB. Option One Using Windows Vista or 7 1. Download the UltimateBootCD ISO and burn a copy to a disk.
A real disk isn't necessary, a virtual disk will also work. Format your USB key, if it is not setup to be a USB Flash or Drive device. A good tutorial for formatting a bootable USB can be found 3. Open a Command Prompt with Administrator privileges. Go Start All Programs Accessories.
Open the context menu (if using a mouse, right-click on the icon). Select Run As Administrator 4. Change to the drive letter of the burned disk. For example, If the burned disk is in drive D, type d: and press Enter 5. Change to the directory holding the startup script. For example, in the version current at the time this was written,.
type cd ubcd tools win32 ubcd2usb and press Enter 6. Enter the script file followed by the drive letter of the burned disk then the drive letter of the USB device. In the version 5.1.1, the script file is called ubcd2usb. If the burned disk is in drive D and the USB is labelled as drive E. type ubcd2usb d: e: and press Enter 7.
The following output will appear: UBCD2USB: Creating bootable UBCD memory stick. UBCD2USB: Making USB KEY bootable. UBCD2USB: Copying files to USB KEY. Once completed, this additional output will appear: 286 File(s) copied UBCD2USB: Bootable UBCD memory stick was successfully created 8. Use Safely Remove or Eject to remove the USB from the port to prevent data corruption. The USB key is ready to go. Option Two Using RMPrepUSB Note: There is an alternative using (at least) v.2.
1.650 of RMPrepUSB. RMPrepUSB extracted in the same folder as the extracted UBCD ISO (ubcd-extract). 5.b The program has been convenient numbered. All you really need to do is follow the numbers in order, but I would like to describe the items for you in order:. 1. Size - You may chose to shrink the size (Default is Max Size). 2.
Volume Label - You may chose a name for your drive so you can distinguish one drive from another. Note 1: Max Characters for a windows drive is 11, anything after will be trimmed to 11. Note 2: The Label MAY ONLY contain the following: Letters (A-Z) and Numbers (0-9) unfortunately it doesn't stop you from trying'.
3. BOOT Options - Allows you to choose several ways to boot the drive depending on your need and configurations. Filesystem and Overrides - Formatting options with several advanced features. Location to folder you would like contents to be copied. Prepare Drive - Starts the process of formating and copying files. 5.b The settings I will be using on an unmodified version of UBCD v5.0 are (See image):. 1.
Size = MAX. 2. Volume Label = UBCDv5. 3. BOOT Options = SYSLINUX Bootable. 4. Filesystem and Overrides = FAT32 + (Check the Box) Boot as HDD (2PTNS).
The Ultimate Boot Disk
5. Copy OS Files - (Check the box) = Location (dependant on Windows version):. For XP: C: Documents and Settings YourUsername My Documents ubcd-extract. For Vista/7: C: User YourUsername My Documents ubcd-extract.